Due to high demand 50ft rolls(automotive) are currently unavailable.


Paint Protection Film Sale and PPF Class This Week

The TintDepot and PlotterDepot team is back from the SEMA show in Las Vegas and we had a great show, thank you everyone for stopping by and checking out our installation PPF tools, window tint tools, FilmCut software and Workhorse plotters.

We have a PPF oversupply of 24″, 30″ and 36″ rolls of Paint Protection Film. Contact us and find out the SEMA special for PPF that continues while supply lasts.

Our PPF installation class in Houston for this week is fully booked, we had a cancellation; so two spots just opened up; call to get into the class! The class will take place on Wednesday and Thursday (November 8 & 9) conducted by Chris in Stafford, Texas which is just outside of Houston, TX. Experienced good installers are getting up to $4,000 to $8,000 per PPF installed vehicle for a full wrap, so contact us for your starter package to get in the business that includes:

  • PPF Installation Classes
  • PPF Roll Starter Kit
  • PPF Installation Tool Kit
  • PPF Installation Gel – 1 gallon
  • Workhorse2 Plotter
  • FilmCut Pattern Software

The FilmCut software will cut the paint protection film kits for the vehicle that you chose; making cutting PPF much, much easier.


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