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How to Add PPF Services to Your Window Shop

How to Add PPF Services to Your Window Tint Shop

Adding PPF services to your window shop can be a great way to boost a tint shop’s revenue and keep the cash flowing during those slow winter months. Although the benefits are obvious, many tinters might be reluctant to offer a brand new service that they’re not familiar with. The truth is that getting started with PPF may be easier than you think, and you probably already have most of the necessary tools. 

In this quick guide, we’ll go through each step you should take in order to start offering PPF services to your customers and increase your profit margins. 

Talk to Your Customers

Before you dive headfirst into the world of PPF, you might want to do a little bit of preliminary research. The first step is to figure out if there is a demand for PPF services in your local area. Talk to your existing customers first and ask them if they have considered PPF services. Even a quick online poll can be a solid move – especially if your shop is active on social media. 

You can also do some online research to determine whether you’ll face any competition in your local area. If there are already numerous PPF services within your community, you might have trouble getting new customers. On the other hand, you might be looking at a totally unexploited niche if no one else in your neighborhood is offering PPF services. 

Choose Your PPF

The next step is to choose your PPF material. This is perhaps the most important step, because it will directly impact the quality of your final product. Your customers will notice if you use substandard paint protection film, so do your research and find the best PPF material for your tint shop. 

One of the best options out there today is HITEK PPF. You can also find this under the brand name “HITEK” at TintDepot.com This PPF is one of the most advanced materials in the business, and it features self-healing capabilities. Yep, you heard that right – this hydrophobic material softens and remorphs at room temperature, making minor scuffs and blemishes vanish. 

A lot of tinters really like working with this PPF because of its repositionable yet reliable adhesive. Soft to stretch, Second Skin is also very forgiving for newbies, allowing you to achieve great finished results without the punishing learning curve. Last but not least, Global Film’s Second Skin PPF is incredibly attractive with a super-gloss finish, providing your customers with both style and functionality. 

Practice Installation Techniques

Before you start installing PPF on your customers’ vehicles, you need to hone your skills. A good rule of thumb is to practice on your own vehicle before taking on paying customers. You can also offer to install PPF for friends and family free of charge in order to give yourself some practice time. There are plenty of YouTube videos out there that can help you learn, and various articles can also give you plenty of pointers. In addition, there are even online training programs that can teach you how to master the art of PPF. With all that said, you often simply need plenty of time to achieve confidence. 

Advertise Your Services

As you already know from experience running a tint shop, marketing is very important. You will need to advertise your new PPF services in an effective manner, and there are many potential strategies. All the normal rules apply, from word-of-mouth to social media and referral programs. Most importantly, you need to become extremely knowledgeable about the various features of PPF. Let your customers know about the potential benefits.

For example, a soccer mom might not think she needs PPF, but you could remind her that keeping her minivan looking brand new can boost its trade-in value if she needs to sell. You might take a different approach when dealing with an auto enthusiast who has a collection of priceless vehicles. If they’ve just given one of these cars a new paint job, then you can remind them that PPF protects the paint and helps “lock-in” that new look. 

Some PPF installers go directly to dealerships and get reliable work. It can be a little tricky to convince these dealerships of the benefits, but a little salesmanship can go a long way. If you’re searching for PPF installers, sometimes it pays to simply target your own existing customers. On the other hand, getting creative and thinking outside the box never hurt, either. 

Don’t Give Up

PPF can be a little challenging – even for experienced tinters. In some ways, it feels like you’re learning to tint all over again, which is never a good feeling. However, if you stick with it, you can achieve great satisfaction from expanding your services and mastering a new skill. The most important thing is to never give up. 

Final Thoughts

PPF can be a great way to diversify, keep those slow months profitable, and boost overall revenues. These services are becoming more and more popular, and some of the newer PPF materials are truly spectacular. All you need to get started is a roll of PPF, so why not give it a try?

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