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What are the downsides to bottom loading?

Answer A.) Bottom loading can lead to costly mistakes if you’re inexperienced. You can lose a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing, or if you don’t understand how the panels work. That being said, the best way to learn is to jump in headfirst.   Answer B.) Sometimes it’s better to go back to the basics, especially if you’re dealing with a complex job or a tight schedule. If you can’t afford to make mistakes (like when a customer is watching you work), a two-stage method is sometimes the right choice.    Answer C.) Many customers feel more encouraged when you tell them that you’re not planning on taking their car apart. Bottom loading requires you to remove panels, and this can make customers uneasy. Not only that but removing panels takes skill, patience and experience.  Answer D.) Despite its reputation for being quick and easy, bottom loading can be pretty time-consuming. Sometimes, a two-stage approach can be quicker since it requires no panel removal. True, you may have to remove pinch points afterwards with a heat gun, but that only represents about 30 seconds of extra work - and then you’re on to the next window. 

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