Due to high demand 50ft rolls(automotive) are currently unavailable.


Auto Tint Rolls Sizes Available

The standard auto tint rolls sizes are the following:

  • 20 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 24 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 36 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 40 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 60 inches wide by 100 feet long

We are able to cut any of the above films down into different sizes that include cutting a 20″ into 10″/10″ or a 24″ roll into (2) 12″ rolls that are commonly used for car eyebrow installations. The next question is what shades of auto tint exists? Shade also means Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) and TintDepot offers the following shades in the auto tint:

  • 2% VLT – Super Dark Limo Tint
  • 3% VLT – Very Dark Limo Tint
  • 4% & 5% VLT – Limo Tint (Dark)
  • 10% & 15% VLT – Medium
  • 18% and 20% VLT – Medium
  • 30%, 33%, 35% VLT – Medium Tint
  • 40%, 42% VLT – Lighter Tint
  • 50% VLT – Light Tint
  • 70% VLT – Light Tint
  • 80% and 86% VLT – Very Light Tint / Transparent Tint

Whatever shade of window film you are seeking, TintDepot has the right VLT for you.

Home tint & commercial window films come in the following sizes:

  • 36 inches wide by 100 feet lone
  • 48 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 60 inches wide by 100 feet long
  • 72 inches wide by 100 feet long

The VLT’s available for home & commercial window films include: 5%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 50%, 70%, 80%, 86%. But always check the solar absorbance on architectural film to ensure it’s safe for your climate, shade & structure. Thermal stress happens in class and a high solar absorber can add more thermal stress. So be safe & pick the right film (usually solar abosorbance below 48% is considered safe). Windows in high altitudes like Colorado need to be extra careful because there is much more thermal stress due to the high climates, cold mornings & blazing rising sun; combined with any partially shaded window and there is much more thermal stress. No warranties are available in mountain regions (sorry folks).

Some architectural films can be rolled down to fifty feet length.

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