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Quick Window Tint Installation Guide

Instructions for Window Film and Tint Installation

When installing window film, it is recommended that you have a professional install the tint for the best install possible.

Tools required:

  • Spray bottle
  • Water
  • Baby Shampoo
  • Utility Knife, with blades
  • Squeegees
  • Scraper, with blades
  • Paper Towels

Step 1

  • Get the spray bottle with a trigger
  • Squeeze five to ten drops of baby shampoo (or liquid soap) into a one quart spray bottle.
  • The quantity of soap needed is dependent on the amount of lubrication (“slip”) that you need and want. Novice installers typically need more soap, this way making it more slippery. Too much soap may result in the tint sliding off of the window. Time to dry out can lengthen in colder environments, resulting in the tint sliding off the glass.
  • Shampoo quantity is also dependent on the water’s ph balance. Each region and tinter utilizes a unique quantity of soap  a different amount dependent on water and experience.
  • Soap amount is also dependent on the water’s ph balance. Each section and tinter utilizes a unique quantity of soap  a different amount of shampoo dependent on water and experience.
  • Fill the bottle to the brim with water and shake.
  • Modify the spray nozzle so the spray will be even.

Step 2

  • Clean the windows well. Remove all dirt from the glass surface. Any dirt and dust that is on the glass or frame will be seen. Therefore, be sure to clean and scrape extensively.
  • With your slip solution, clean the glass on the side you want to place the film (film is installed on the “inside” always. Then spray with the soapy water again.
  • Scrape all the dirt, coating, adhesives, oil, paint, and anything else from the window using a scraper or a razor blade. Always be careful when using this to avoid harming yourself. The corners of the window should be cleansed extensively. Use paper towels to dry the glass.
  • Make sure that any fans are turned off to stop dust from getting in the air and entering behind the tint.
  • Clean the surface of the glass a second time.
  • Use the squeegee to remove any extra water.
  • Use a paper towel to clean and dry.
  • Use the soapy solution to spray the whole surface one more time.

Step 3

  • Measuring the glass surface, cut the tint an inch wider and longer than the surface of the glass. Always be careful when using a cutting knife.
  • Get two pieces of tape, same size. At one corner of the film, stick a piece of tape on either side of the film. Add pressure where the tape is on the film. Pull each piece of the tape outwards in the opposite direction. The liner should detach away from the film. If not, redo the tape procedure.
  • Spray the adhesive side of the film with the slip solution to add lubricant.
  • Include spraying the edges of the film.

Step 4

  • To get the window ready for application, spray it with the slip solution.
  • Hold the film from the top corners, lift the film and put the adhesive side on the glass, and move it until it fits properly.
  • Take a look at all views of the window to examine if the application appears correct to human sight.

Step 5

  • Use the solution to spray the outside of the film.
  • Squeegee out the film starting at the top window (center) and squeegee to the right, then to the left. Then, slowly work your way down the window with horizontal squeegee motions.

Step 6

  • Using the cutting knife, trim the tint to fit inside the window propertly.
  • Spray the slip solution over the tint again, and take out the extra water with the squeegee again as well.
  • Use increased pressure to get water out when installing safety film.
  • Use increased pressure to get water out of the safety film.
  • Squeegee another time if necessary (To avoid scraping the tint, spray solution on top of the film)
  • Use the squeegee with a paper towel wrapped around it, to remove water from the edges of the glass frame. Take a look at the window from different angles & the other side; if you see any extra water or air bubbles, do another squeegee routine.
  • Finish up by cleaning the work area. Make sure that you picked up all the blades.

And that’s it! You now have a window that looks cool, and can protect you against the sun.

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