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How to tint rear quarter windows on a 2019 Ford Flex rear quarter windows

Method 1: The 2019 Ford Flex has a known problem with the laminated glass cracking easily. According to Ford, it usually happens after the vehicle goes over a bump in the road at high speeds. Some tinters will refuse to tint these because of how fragile the glass is and how easy it is to crack. The cost of replacing one for the customer far outweighs the profit from tinting them, so depending on your experience and what your revenue stream looks like, turning these cars away might be best. If you want to go ahead and tint them, the key is to get out of being liable by making sure the customer understands the risks. Ask them to sign a waiver if possible. A potentially easier option involves getting the window warranted by Ford. When tinting, use as low heat as possible. The film will absorb heat and transfer it onto the glass, so use as little heat as you can get away with. It may also be worth it to heat from the inside of the car rather than the outside, and keep a healthy distance with your heat gun. Be careful when popping off any vinyl or panels as any sudden movement or flexing can break the glass.

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