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How do you tint the back window of a 1984 Porsche 944?

Answer 1: You’ll need to remove the rear wing and the rear wiper. The rear wing can be a little tricky, as you’ll need to drill out a screw. Inform the customer before you do this, as they’ll need to retap the screw.    Answer 2: You’ll need some black vinyl to cover the ceramic border, as the existing border is probably beyond repair.    Answer 3: Watch out for peanuts, as this is a real issue when tinting these cars.    Answer 4: Use a two-piece technique and put your join on the center heater element.    Answer 5: You’ll need to go over the heater elements with wire wool, because they will likely be suffering from corrosion after the decades.    Answer 6: You might want to charge extra for these, because they are notoriously difficult. Either that or simply pass up the job. The latter might be an especially good idea if you are lacking experience.   

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